Why do you stay with someone when your relationship is no longer satisfying? When your relationship is beyond unsatisfying in fact.
Why don't you just leave?
I expect it's because you're all of these things;
Too lazy to put the hard work in to fix it.
Too afraid to broach the communications that could fix it.
Too afraid to leave as it would mean being alone.
And so you sneak around and cheat and lie, while trapping both of you in a lie. What a fool you are ... no wonder I like to torture and torment you all.
I feel zero remorse for the things I do to you, and I relish the day she finds out and you find yourself alone and regretful.
Relationships can go downhill slowly and I can understand if there is a limited wait and see phase, but ultimately it's quite disgusting needing a proxy to end a relationship. Don't think wife hate should be promoted by a domme though. It's an innocent third party.